Gondola of Lovers

romaji lyrics | kanji lyrics | translated lyrics
please do not post or use without credit

Within the pupils of your eyes is a reflection of your smile
It's the evidence of your love

The water surface sways

The feelings we share
Are like the afternoon sunlight

I can't win against you
When I see your earnestness
Somehow, I just find myself wanting to embrace you

I'm in a trance-like happiness

A homemade Misanga1 (Misanga)
A pair of them (For the two of us)
Each of our desires become one
I promise this with you
It'll last to the very end

You can't capture our happiness...
...today in a picture
Our gazes meet
Just this is enough to wrap us in rose colors

No one is going to interrupt...
...this heartfelt date
It's twilight... there's the first star! We've found it, but...
...let's not go home yet

1 - A Misanga is a like a friendship bracelet

Translated by CruelAngel Productions
Please do not post or use without permission from the translator.